Our Pledge On Diversity

How are we #movingforward?

Kleiner Perkins has a long history of championing diversity. We prioritize hiring diverse teams within our firm and at our portfolio companies, and are proud to invest in companies led by women and people of color. The Kleiner Perkins Fellows — a mentorship and talent development program for students and future founders — has had an inclusion goal since inception and in 2018 had nearly 50% women, 9% black and 8% hispanic representation. We know that having diverse teams at the table is not only the right thing to do but makes for better business decisions.

Our Commitment

Kleiner Perkins is committed to fostering a vibrant and diverse ecosystem that serves our founders and their teams from inception to IPO.

We value and believe that our industry can only achieve its full potential when it embraces the full spectrum of diversity, which includes, but is not limited to: race, religion, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, ideology, and abilities.

Our Policy

Our firm does not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, retaliation or bullying. As representatives of Kleiner Perkins, we expect all employees of our firm to uphold this in the workplace and outside of it. Our firm supports the #DecencyPledge.

Scope - This policy applies to all current employees of Kleiner Perkins (full-time, part-time, and contractors) and individuals carrying out business on behalf of the firm. It applies to all situations that are connected to work, including behavior at work, working off-site, business trips, work-related functions, and events. In addition, this policy protects all third parties our firm works with from the entrepreneurs we serve to the vendors we partner with.

Harassment - Our firm and its employees are committed to maintaining a workplace free from unlawful harassment of any kind, for any reason, including sexual harassment. There are a range of behaviors (verbal, physical, or visual) that are unacceptable including: offensive and intimidating jokes, bullying or aggressive behavior, unwelcome sexual advances, coercion, derogatory actions or remarks, and hostile acts towards protected groups.

Retaliation - We will not allow retaliation against anyone who makes a complaint under this policy. It is illegal and unacceptable.

Complaint Procedure - To confidentially report any incident involving a Kleiner Perkins employee or an individual at one of our events, please contact our COO & CFO, Sue Biglieri at sbiglieri [at] kleinerperkins [dot] com or Mamoon Hamid at mamoon [at] kleinerperkins [dot] com. They will handle any reports with extreme confidentiality and perform the appropriate investigation. If the investigation reveals that harassment did occur, our firm will act promptly to eliminate the offending conduct, and where it is appropriate, impose disciplinary action.

Firm Contact *Reporting* Harassment or Discrimination

Sue Biglieri (COO & CFO) - sbiglieri@kleinerperkins.com or
Mamoon Hamid (Partner) - mamoon@kleinerperkins.com

Firm Contact for Diversity and Inclusion Questions

Sue Biglieri (COO & CFO) - sbiglieri@kleinerperkins.com