Annie Case


Annie Case is a Partner at Kleiner Perkins and focuses on investments across consumer technology, digital health, and enterprise software. Prior to Kleiner Perkins, Annie worked in product and business operations at Uber. During her time at Uber, she supported the SVP of operations and helped scale the Uber Eats business to new markets internationally. Annie started her career as a consultant at Bain & Company in San Francisco, where she worked with clients in the technology, private equity, and education practices. Annie graduated from Stanford University with a bachelor's degree in Human Biology and a master's degree in Management Science & Engineering. She was also a member of the Stanford women's soccer team.

Investment focus areas

— Consumer technology

— Digital health

— Enterprise software

Annie Case
Companies Backed
  • What are you on the lookout for?

    Founders with a vision for how the future can be better than the present, an insight around how technology can help shape it, and the determination to see it through.

  • What drew you to invest?

    I was lucky to join Uber and then Uber Eats during periods of hyper growth. It felt like we were transforming cities and changing consumer habits in real time. The feeling of extreme product market fit and scaling was addicting. Through that experience it became clear to me that technology would radically transform not just transportation and food delivery, but every sector on the planet. I knew I wanted to be a part of as many of those stories of transformation and renewal as possible. Through investing, I’m able to spend all of my time with founders who are building the future, and have the opportunity to play any role I can in supporting them in that journey.

  • How has being an athlete influenced your career?

    Soccer was a big part of my identity as early as I can remember. I started playing on a co-ed team when I was four years old and ended my career with a national championship ring after playing for Stanford throughout college.

    We lost twice in the finals before we won. It was a painful experience, but we learned how to pick ourselves up after a crushing defeat, forgive our mistakes, commit to work even harder, and ultimately persevere. That journey holds a lot of similarities to the business of company building. Success is never a straight line, and it requires a combination of work ethic, determination, and resilience. I’m less bothered by the inevitable lows because I know the highest highs can be just around the corner – for me, for my team, and for the founders I work with.

    When I graduated and hung up the cleats to pursue a career in business, I wondered if I’d ever again be able to experience the joy of working hard for something over many years with people I love, trust, and deeply admire. It’s what fuels me now as I look for the best teams, companies, and leaders, and try to support them on the journey to achieve their dreams. I’m excited to spend the rest of my career seeking that joy again, and finding it in the founders we are so lucky to work with.

  • Where does your passion for health and wellness come from?

    I’ve always loved to be active and outdoors. Along the way I also developed a deep appreciation for the relationship between how your body and mind feel, and how you’re able to show up in the world. In sports, I saw the impact that the way you train, fuel, and rest your body has on performance. It became clear to me that a healthy body and mind provide the foundation to everything else. They are so core to our ability to live full, productive, and joyful lives.

    On a more personal level, my family lost my uncle to brain cancer when I was young. He was 44. I didn’t fully realize it at the time, but I think my decision to study Human Biology in college, intern in a neurology research lab and later at Rock Health, and ultimately find my way into investing in many healthcare businesses is in a major way shaped by that experience in our family. I know that tomorrow is not guaranteed, and I want to spend my finite days on this planet helping others live happier, healthier lives.
